Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Venecia, 4 de marzo de 1678 - Viena, 28 de julio de 1741). Compositor del alto barroco, apodado il prete rosso ("el cura rojo") por ser sacerdote y pelirrojo. Compuso unas 770 obras, entre las cuales se cuentan 477 concerti y 46 óperas.
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (March 4, 1678 July 28, 1741), nicknamed il Prete Rosso ("The Red Priest"), was a Baroque composer and Venetian priest, as well as a famous virtuoso violinist, born and raised in the Republic of Venice. The Four Seasons, a series of four violin concerti, is his best-known work and a highly popular Baroque piece.
Igor Stravinski comentó en una ocasión que Vivaldi no había escrito nunca quinientos conciertos, sino «quinientas veces el mismo concierto». No deja de ser cierto en lo que concierne al original e inconfundible tono que el compositor veneciano supo imprimir a su música y que la hace rápidamente reconocible.
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was born in Venice, the capital of the Republic of Venice in 1678. He was baptized immediately after his birth at his home by the midwife. It is not known how the life of the infant was in danger, but the immediate baptism was most likely due to his poor health or to an earthquake that shook the city that day. Vivaldi's official church baptism (at least, the rites that remained other than the actual baptism itself) did not take place until two months later. His father, Giovanni Battista, a barber before becoming a professional violinist, taught him to play violin and then toured Venice playing the violin with his young son. Giovanni Battista was one of the founders of the Sovvegno dei musicisti di Santa Cecilia, a sort of trade union for musicians and composers.
Autor prolífico, la producción de Vivaldi abarca no sólo el género concertante, sino también abundante música de cámara, vocal y operística. Célebre sobre todo por sus cuatro conciertos para violín y orquesta reunidos bajo el título Las cuatro estaciones, cuya fama ha eclipsado otras de sus obras igualmente valiosas, si no más, Vivaldi es por derecho propio uno de los más grandes compositores del período barroco.
Vivaldi had a health problem, probably a form of asthma, which did not prevent him from learning to play the violin, compose or take part in many musical activities. It did however stop him from playing wind instruments because of shortness of breath. At the age of 15 in the year of 1693, he began studying to become a priest. In 1703, at the age of 25, Vivaldi was ordained a priest and was soon nicknamed il Prete Rosso, "The Red Priest", because of his red hair.
Vivaldi, virtuoso del violín que asombraba al auditorio por su técnica, estableció una de las características básicas del concierto de los siglos siguientes: su uso para lucimiento del virtuoso.
Sus conciertos para violín también fueron decisivos en la evolución de la ejecución violinística en cuanto a su escritura de cuerdas cruzadas y al desarrollo de una nueva técnica para el manejo del arco.
Vivaldi fue el primer compositor que utilizó de forma coherente el ritornello, que se llegó a imponer en los movimientos rápidos del concierto. El ritornello se repetía en diferentes tonalidades y era interpretado por toda la orquesta.
It is also in this period that he wrote the Four Seasons, four violin concertos depicting natural scenes in music. While three of the concerti are of original conception, the first, "Spring", borrows motifs from a Sinfonia in the first act of his opera "Il Giustino", composed at the same time as The Four Seasons. The inspiration for them was probably the countryside around Mantua. They were a revolution in musical conception: in them Vivaldi represented flowing creeks, singing birds (of different species, each specifically characterized), barking dogs, buzzing mosquitoes, crying shepherds, storms, drunken dancers, silent nights, hunting parties (both from the hunter's and the prey's point of view), frozen landscapes, children ice-skating, and burning fires. Each concerto was associated with a sonnet of Vivaldi's hand, describing the scenes depicted in the music. They were published as the first four of a collection of twelve, Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione, his Opus 8, published in Amsterdam by Le Cène in 1725.
Alternaba con episodios interpretados por el solista, a menudo de carácter virtuosista. Estableció la forma de tres movimientos para el concierto y fue uno de los primeros en introducir cadenzas para el solista.
Sus conciertos para violín opus 8, Las cuatro estaciones, son uno de los primeros ejemplos de música programática que, como gran parte de su música, se caracteriza por ritmos vigorosos y fuertes contrastes.
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (March 4, 1678 July 28, 1741), nicknamed il Prete Rosso ("The Red Priest"), was a Baroque composer and Venetian priest, as well as a famous virtuoso violinist, born and raised in the Republic of Venice. The Four Seasons, a series of four violin concerti, is his best-known work and a highly popular Baroque piece.
Igor Stravinski comentó en una ocasión que Vivaldi no había escrito nunca quinientos conciertos, sino «quinientas veces el mismo concierto». No deja de ser cierto en lo que concierne al original e inconfundible tono que el compositor veneciano supo imprimir a su música y que la hace rápidamente reconocible.
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was born in Venice, the capital of the Republic of Venice in 1678. He was baptized immediately after his birth at his home by the midwife. It is not known how the life of the infant was in danger, but the immediate baptism was most likely due to his poor health or to an earthquake that shook the city that day. Vivaldi's official church baptism (at least, the rites that remained other than the actual baptism itself) did not take place until two months later. His father, Giovanni Battista, a barber before becoming a professional violinist, taught him to play violin and then toured Venice playing the violin with his young son. Giovanni Battista was one of the founders of the Sovvegno dei musicisti di Santa Cecilia, a sort of trade union for musicians and composers.
Autor prolífico, la producción de Vivaldi abarca no sólo el género concertante, sino también abundante música de cámara, vocal y operística. Célebre sobre todo por sus cuatro conciertos para violín y orquesta reunidos bajo el título Las cuatro estaciones, cuya fama ha eclipsado otras de sus obras igualmente valiosas, si no más, Vivaldi es por derecho propio uno de los más grandes compositores del período barroco.
Vivaldi had a health problem, probably a form of asthma, which did not prevent him from learning to play the violin, compose or take part in many musical activities. It did however stop him from playing wind instruments because of shortness of breath. At the age of 15 in the year of 1693, he began studying to become a priest. In 1703, at the age of 25, Vivaldi was ordained a priest and was soon nicknamed il Prete Rosso, "The Red Priest", because of his red hair.
Vivaldi, virtuoso del violín que asombraba al auditorio por su técnica, estableció una de las características básicas del concierto de los siglos siguientes: su uso para lucimiento del virtuoso.
Sus conciertos para violín también fueron decisivos en la evolución de la ejecución violinística en cuanto a su escritura de cuerdas cruzadas y al desarrollo de una nueva técnica para el manejo del arco.
Vivaldi fue el primer compositor que utilizó de forma coherente el ritornello, que se llegó a imponer en los movimientos rápidos del concierto. El ritornello se repetía en diferentes tonalidades y era interpretado por toda la orquesta.
It is also in this period that he wrote the Four Seasons, four violin concertos depicting natural scenes in music. While three of the concerti are of original conception, the first, "Spring", borrows motifs from a Sinfonia in the first act of his opera "Il Giustino", composed at the same time as The Four Seasons. The inspiration for them was probably the countryside around Mantua. They were a revolution in musical conception: in them Vivaldi represented flowing creeks, singing birds (of different species, each specifically characterized), barking dogs, buzzing mosquitoes, crying shepherds, storms, drunken dancers, silent nights, hunting parties (both from the hunter's and the prey's point of view), frozen landscapes, children ice-skating, and burning fires. Each concerto was associated with a sonnet of Vivaldi's hand, describing the scenes depicted in the music. They were published as the first four of a collection of twelve, Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione, his Opus 8, published in Amsterdam by Le Cène in 1725.
Alternaba con episodios interpretados por el solista, a menudo de carácter virtuosista. Estableció la forma de tres movimientos para el concierto y fue uno de los primeros en introducir cadenzas para el solista.
Sus conciertos para violín opus 8, Las cuatro estaciones, son uno de los primeros ejemplos de música programática que, como gran parte de su música, se caracteriza por ritmos vigorosos y fuertes contrastes.
Le quattro stagioni (OP.8, N.1-4, RV271) (em português, As quatro estações). Esses quatro concertos para violino e orquestra são parte de uma série de 12 publicados em Amsterdã, em 1725, intitulados Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione. Ao contrario da maioria dos concertos de Vivaldi, esses quatro tem um programa claro: vinham acompanhados por um soneto ilustrativo impresso na parte do primeiro violino, cada um sobre o tema da respectiva estação. Não se sabe a origem ou autoria desses poemas, mas especula-se que o próprio Vivaldi os tenha escrito.As qualidades da musica de Vivaldi - temas concisos, clareza da forma, vitalidade rítmica, textura homofônica, frases equilibradas, diálogo dramático entre solista e conjunto - influenciaram diversos compositores, entre eles J.S. Bach, que transcreveu vário de seus concertos para teclado.música barroca.
Concerto N.1
No Largo da "Primavera", o texto conta como o "pastor de cabras adormeceu com seu leal cão ao lado"; a música langorosa só é interrompida pelo "ladrido" da viola solo.
- Italiano
Giunt' è la Primavera e festosetti
La Salutan gl' Augei con lieto canto,
E i fonti allo Spirar de' Zeffiretti
Con dolce mormorio Scorrono intanto:
Vengon' coprendo l' aer di nero amanto
E Lampi, e tuoni ad annuntiarla eletti
Indi tacendo questi, gl' Augelletti;
Tornan' di nuovo al lor canoro incanto:
E quindi sul fiorito ameno prato
Al caro mormorio di fronde e piante
Dorme 'l Caprar col fido can' à lato.
Di pastoral Zampogna al suon festante
Danzan Ninfe e Pastor nel tetto amato
Di primavera all' apparir brillante.
Concerto n° 1 en mi majeur, op. 8, RV 269, « La primavera » (Le Printemps)
Voici le Printemps,
Que les oiseaux saluent d'un chant joyeux.
Et les fontaines, au souffle des zéphyrs,
Jaillissent en un doux murmure.
Ils viennent, couvrant l'air d'un manteau noir,
Le tonnerre et l'éclair messagers de l'orage.
Enfin, le calme revenu, les oisillons
Reprennent leur chant mélodieux.
Et sur le pré fleuri et tendre,
Au doux murmure du feuillage et des herbes,
Dort le chevrier, son chien fidèle à ses pieds.
Au son festif de la musette
Dansent les nymphes et les bergers,
Sous le brillant firmament du printemps.
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