Tempo em Setúbal

domingo, 20 de março de 2011

Van Gogh e As 4 Estações de Vivaldi

De: | Criado: 18 de Mai de 2008
Vincent Van Gogh
The Four Seasons - Primavera


De: stellaleahy  | 18 de Mai de 2008  |
Vincent Van Gogh
The Four Seasons - Verão


De: | Criado: 19 de Mai de 2008
Vincent Van Gogh
The Four Seasons - Outono
De: | Criado: 19 de Mai de 2008
Vincent Van Gogh
The Four Seasons - Inverno

For myself, I can hardly decide which season I like best. I believe I like them all equally.

Now he who has eyes to see it finds something beautiful and good in every kind of weather,
he finds the snow and the burning sun beautiful,
the storm and the calm, the cold and the heat,
he loves every season and cannot spare one day of the year,
and in his heart he is contented and resigned to things being as they are.

Winter is the snow with black silhouettes.
Spring is tender, green young corn and pink apple blossoms.
Summer is the opposition of blues against an element of orange, in the gold bronze of the corn.
Autumn is the contrast of the yellow leaves against violet tones.

And it is a good thing in winter to be deep in the snow,
in spring amid the grass.
in summer among the ripe corn,
in the autumn deep in the yellow leaves.


A special thanks to David Brooks Who has spent many years painstakingly reproducing all of Vincent's works into digital for everyone to enjoy online.

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Ilusionismo Quadrilátero


* Victor Nogueira .
Ele há um tempo p’ra tudo na vida
Cantando hora, minuto, segundo;
Por isso sempre existe uma saída
Enquanto nós estivermos neste mundo.
Há um tempo para não fenecer
Há mar, sol, luar e aves com astros
Há uma hora p'ra amar ou morrer
E tempo para não se ficar de rastos.
P'ra isso e' preciso sabedoria
Em busca dum bom momento, oportuno,
Com ar, bom vinho, pão e cantoria,
Sem se confundir a nuvem com Juno.
1991.08.11 - SETUBAL